车汶蔚,博士,香港科技大学土木与环境学系研究助理教授,暨南大学客座副研究员,主要研究方向为大气污染、微环境及人群暴露。车汶蔚博士自2006起作为主要研究人员参与多项国家及国际合作项目,在污染源排放清单开发与校验、机动车排放控制策略研究及评估、运输环境乘客暴露测量方法、人群暴露评估及个体差异来源等多个方面深入研究,学术成果发表在国际知名期刊如Environmental Science & Technology、Risk Analysis、Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics、Atmospheric Environment、Environmental Pollution等,并担任多份SCI期刊的审稿人。
1. Che, W.W., H. Christopher Frey, Alexis KH Lau. Sequential Measurement ofIntermodal Variability in Public Transportation PM2.5 and CO Exposure Concentrations. Environmental science & technology2016,50, 8760−8769.
2. Che, W.W.,H. Christopher Frey, Alexis KH Lau. Comparison of Sources ofVariability in School Age Children Exposure to Ambient PM2.5. Environmentalscience & technology 2015,49, 1511-1520.
3. Che, W.W., H. Christopher Frey, Alexis KH Lau. Assessment of the Effect ofPopulation and Diary Sampling Methods on Estimation of School‐Age Children Exposure to Fine Particles. Risk Analysis2014, 34, (12), 2066-2079.
4. Zheng, J. Y., Che, W.W., Zheng, Z.Y., Chen, L.F., Zhong, L.J. Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variability of PM10 Concentrations Using MODIS Aerosol Optical Thickness in the Pearl River Delta Region, China. Aerosol andAir Quality Research 2013,13,(3), 862-876.
5. Zheng, J. Y., Yin, S. S., Kang, D. W., Che, W. W., Zhong, L. J. Development and uncertainty analysis of a high-resolution NH3 emissions inventory and its implications with precipitation over the Pearl River Delta region, China.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2012,12, 7041-7058.
6. Che,W. W., Zheng, J. Y., Wang, S. S., Zhong, L.J., Lau, A.K.H. Assessment ofMotor Vehicle Emission Control Policies Using Model-3/CMAQ Model for the Pearl River Delta Region, China. Atmospheric Environment2011, 45,(9),1740-1751.
7. Zheng, J. Y., Shao, M., Che, W. W., Zhang, L.J., Zhong, L.J., Zhang,Y.,
Streets,D. Speciated VOC emission inventory and spatial pattern of ozoneformation potentials in the Pearl River Delta, China. Environmental Science &Technology 2009,43, (22), 8580–8586.
8. Zheng, J.Y., Che, W.W., Wang, X., Louie, P., Zhong, L. Road-Network-Based spatial allocation of on-road mobile source emissions in the Pearl River delta region, China, and comparisons with population-based approach. Journal of theAir & Waste Management Association 2009,59, (12), 1405-1416.
9. Zheng, J.Y., Zhang, L.J., Che, W.W., Zheng, Z.Y., Yin, S.S. A highly resolved temporal and spatial air pollutant emission inventory for the Pearl River Delta region, China and its uncertainty assessment. Atmospheric Environment 2009, 43, (32), 5112-5122.
2016.11至今 “基于个体水平的空气质量暴露信息系统开发”,恒生银行150周年 慈善项目
•2013.1至今 “香港公众对空气污染的呼吸暴露评估”,香港研究资助局
• 2009.1~2011.3 “珠江三角洲空气质量改善研究”,香港FTI基金会
• 2008.7~2009.9 “第16届亚运会广州空气质量保障措施方案研究”,广州市环保局
• 2007.1~2009.1 “珠江三角洲光化学烟雾污染 预报预警系统研究”,广东省环保专项资金项目
• 2006.10~2010.12“排放源清单的不确定性技术开发与示范”,国家“十一五”863计划重大项目