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- English
主要学习经历 | ||||
起始日期 | 结束日期 | 学校 | 所获学位 | 专业 |
1971 | 1974 | 爱荷华州立大学 | 学士 | 化学工程 |
1974 | 1975 | 肯塔基大学 | 硕士 | 化学工程 |
1975 | 1979 | 肯塔基大学 | 博士 | 化学工程 |
主要工作经历 | ||||
起始日期 | 结束日期 | 任职单位 | 职称 | 职务 |
2002 | 至今 | 爱荷华大学 | 教授 | 研究生院副院长 |
1991 | 至今 | 爱荷华大学全球和区域环境研究中心(CGRER) | 教授 | 主任 |
1981 | 2000 | 爱荷华大学化学与生化研究院 | 教授 | 主席 |
Carmichael教授是联合国环境署大气棕色云研究计划( UNEP ABC Asia project)亚洲科学指导委员会委员,相关研究成果发表在顶级期刊《Nature Geoscience》(影响因子13.941)上,单篇引用次数超过2,000次。至今发表超过300篇学术论文(其中包括《Science》、《Nature》等,H指数82,总引用次数超过26,000次)和参与发表6本著作;1987年开发的“连续旋转电泳柱”获得美国专利(4642169)。
1. Meng Gao. Carmichael, G., Air Quality and Climate Change, Topic 3 of the Model Inter-Comparison Study for Asia Phase III (MICS-Asia III), Part I: overview and model evaluation, 18, 4859-4884, 2018.
2. Hov, O; Terblanche, D Carmichael G, et al. Five priorities for weather and climate research, Nature, 552, 168-170, 2017.
3. Gao, M., Saide, P.E., Xin, J., et al. Reduced Uncertainties in Health Impacts and Radiative Forcing Estimates in Winter Haze in eastern China through constraints of surface PM2.5 predictions. Environmental Science and Technology, 51(4):2178-2185, 2017.
4. Galmarini, S ; Koffi, B ; Solazzo, E ; et al. Technical note: Coordination and harmonization of the multi-scale, multi-model activities HTAP2, AQMEII3, and MICS-Asia3: simulations, emission inventories, boundary conditions, and model output formats, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 1543-1555, 2017.
5. Huang,H., Gregory R. Carmichael, R. Bradley Pierce, et al. Impact of Intercontinental Pollution Transport on North American Ozone Air Pollution: An HTAP Phase II Multi-model Study, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 5721-5750, 2017.
6. Baklanov, A., D. Brunner, G. Carmichael, et al. Key issues for seamless integrated chemistry-meteorology modeling. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00166.1, 2017.
7. Gao, M; Liu, ZR; Wang, YS; et al. Distinguishing the roles of meteorology, emission control measures, regional transport, and co-benefits of reduced aerosol feedbacks in APEC Blue, Atmospheric Environment, 167, 476-486, 2017.
8. Liang, FC; Gao, M; Xiao, QY; et al. Evaluation of a data fusion approach to estimate daily PM2.5 levels in North China, Environmental Research, 158, 54-60, 2017.
9. Huang, M; Carmichael, GR; Crawford, JH ; et al. Biogenic isoprene emissions driven by regional weather predictions using different initialization methods: case studies during the SEAC(4)RS and DISCOVER-AQ airborne campaigns, Geoscientific Model Development, 10, 3085-3104, 2017.
10. Gao, M., Carmichael, G. R., Saide, P. E., et al. Response of winter fine particulate matter concentrations emission and meteorology changes in North China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,16, 11837-11851, 2016.
11. Saide, P., Mena-Carrasco, M., Tolvett, et al. Air quality forecasting for winter-time PM2.5 episodes occurring in multiple cities in central and southern Chile, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 121, 558-575, 2016.
12. Sadavarte, P., C. Venkataraman, R. Cherian, et al, Seasonal differences in aerosol abundance and radiative forcing in months of contrasting emissions and rainfall over northern South Asia, Atmospheric Environment, 125, 512-523, 2016.
13. Gao, M., G. R. Carmichael, Y. Wang, et al. Modeling study of the 2010 regional haze event in the North China Plain, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 1673-1691, 2016.
14. Saide, Pablo E.; Thompson, G.; Eidhammer, T., and G. Carmichael, Assessment of biomass burning smoke influence on environmental conditions for multiyear tornado outbreaks by combining aerosol-aware microphysics and fire emission constraints, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres,17, 10294-10311, 2016.
15. West, J. Jason; Cohen, Aaron; Dentener, Frank, Carmichael, G. et al., “What We Breathe Impacts Our Health: Improving Understanding of the Link between Air Pollution and Health”, Environmental Science and Technology, 50, 4895-4904, 2016.
16. Sadavarte, P.; Venkataraman, C., Cherian, R., Carmichael G., et al., Seasonal differences in aerosol abundance and radiative forcing in months of contrasting emissions and rainfall over northern South Asia, Atmospheric Environment, 125, 512-523, 2016.
17. Cheng, Y., Zheng, G., Qing, W., et al. Reactive nitrogen chemistry in aerosol water as a source of sulfate during haze events in China, Science Advances, 21, e1601530, 2016.
18. Gao, M., G. Carmichael, Y. Wang, et al. Improving simulations of sulfate aerosols during winter haze over Northern China: the impacts of heterogeneous oxidation by NO2, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 10: 16, 2016.
19. Saide, P.E., S.N. Spak, R.B. Pierce, J.A. et al. Central American biomass burning smoke can increase tornado severity in the US. Geophysical Research Letters 42, doi: 10.1002/2014GL062826, 2015.
20. Kulkarni S., N. Sobhani, J. P. Miller-Schulze, et al. Source sector and region contributions to BC and PM2:5 in Central Asia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 1683–1705, 2015.
21. Gao, M, Guttikunda SK, Carmichael GR, et al. Health impacts and economic losses assessment of the 2013 severe haze event in Beijing area. Science of the Total Environment, 511, 553-61, 2015.
22. Wyant, MC; Bretherton, CS; Wood, R; et al. Regional modeling of clouds and aerosols in the marine boundary layer during VOCALS: the VOCA intercomparison. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 153-172, 2015.
23. Martinez A, Spak SN, Petrich NT, et al. Atmospheric dispersion of PCB from a contaminated Lake Michigan harbor. Atmosphere Environment, 122, 791-798, 2015.
24. Feng, F.; Wang, Z.; Li, j., et al. A nonnegativity preserved efficient algorithm for atmospheric chemical kinetic equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 271, 519-531, 2015.
25. Turner, M., DavenK Henze, Shannon L Capps, et al. Premature deaths attributed to source-specific BC emissions in six urban US regions, Environmental Research Letters. 10, 2015.
26. Dewan, N., Brian J. Majestic, Michael E. Ketterer, et al. Stable isotopes of lead and strontium as tracers of sources of airborne particulate matter in Kyrgyzstan . Atmospheric Environment, 120, 438-446, 2015.
27. Miller-Schulze, J., M. M. Shafer, J. J. Schauer; et al, Seasonal Contribution of Mineral Dust and Other Major Components to Particulate Matter at Two Remote Sites in Central Asia. Atmospheric Environment, 119, 11-20, 2015.
28. Saide, P. E., D. A. Peterson, A. da Silva, et al. Revealing important nocturnal and day-to-day variations in fire smoke emissions through a multiplatform inversion, Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 3609-3618, 2015.
29. Huang, Min; Bowman, Kevin W.; et al. Improved western US background ozone estimates via constraining nonlocal and local source contributions using Aura TES and OMI observations, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, 120, 3572-3592, 2015.
30. Lu Z, Streets DG, Winijkul E, et al. Light Absorption Properties and Radiative Effects of Primary Organic Aerosol Emissions, Environmental Science and Technology, 49, 4868-4877, 2015.
31. Turner MD; Henze DK; Hakami A; et al. Differences Between Magnitudes and Health Impacts of BC Emissions Across the United States Using 12 km Scale Seasonal Source Apportionment, Environmental Science and Technology, 49, 4362-4371, 2015.
32. Bocquet, M., H. Elbern, H. Eskes, et al. Data assimilation in atmospheric chemistry models: current status and future prospects for coupled chemistry meteorology models , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics , 15, 5325-5358, 2015.
33. Kumar, R., M. C. Barth, V. S. Nair, et al. Sources of black carbon aerosols in South Asia and surrounding regions during the Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, Gases and Radiation Budget (ICARB), Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 5415-5428, 2015.
34. M. Li, Q. Zhang, J. Kurokawa, et al. MIX: a mosaic Asian anthropogenic emission inventory for the MICS-Asia and the HTAP projects, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physic, 15, 34813-34869, 2015.
项目名称 | 批准单位 | 项目期限 | 项目金额 |
FIREX | 国国家海洋和大气管理局 | 2017-2020 | 12万美金 |
Health Applied Science Team | 美国航天航空局 | 2016-2019 | 7.5万美金 |
KORUS-AQ Field Experiment | 美国航天航空局 | 2016-2018 | 36万美金 |
KORUS-AQ Field Experiment | 美国航天航空局 | 2016-2018 | 36万美金 |
ORACLES Field Experiment | 美国航天航空局 | 2015-2020 | 40万美金 |
SEAC4RS Field Experiment | 美国航天航空局 | 2012-2014 | 20万美金 |
Air Quality Applications Science Team | 美国航天航空局 | 2011-2015 | 44万美金 |