报告人:YuanTong Gu 教授
报告题目:Advanced Computer Modeling for Airflow and Pollutant Particle Transport to the Terminal Bronchioles
时 间:2019年12月19日10:30
地 点:暨南大学番禺校区祈福楼B1-2082会议室
Professor YuanTong Gu is a prestigious ARC Future Fellow and Head of School (acting) of School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering of Queensland University of Technology. Prof Gu finished his PhD at National University of Singapore in 2003 and he had been appointed as a postdoc fellow in University of California from 2004 to 2005. Prof Gu is a world-renowned expert in computational mechanics. He has secured around $18M research fund including 14 ARC research grants. He authored more than 290 refereed journal publications and one popular book. Most of his publications are in highly ranked journals including Nature Communications, JACS, AFM, Nano Letters, IJNME, CMAME and Computational Mechanics. His publications have been attracted more than 8600 citations in Google Scholar. He was Editor-in-Chief for Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, and is Associate Editor for two prestigious international journals, and an Editorial Board Member for other five journals. He is now the vice president of International Chinese Association for Computational Mechanics and an Executive Committee Member of Australian Association on Computational Mechanics. He has been invited to give more than 30 plenary and invited talks in international conferences. He served as the conference chair for two international conferences. Prof Gu is leading The Laboratory for Advanced Modelling and Simulations in Engineering and Science (LAMSES) in QUT, which is one of the largest Australian research groups on computational mechanics including around 30 researchers and PhD students. Total 32 PhD graduated under Prof Gu’s supervision.