报告人: 迟进舒助理教授(香港科技大学广州校区)
报告题目:The carbon balance of managed terrestrial ecosystems
时 间:2023年2月14日10:00
地 点:暨南大学番禺校区环境与气候研究院1088会议室
Dr. Chi is a biometeorologist and strives to understand the various ways that the biosphere and the atmosphere interact and how these processes are modulated by the changing climate and human activities. Dr. Chi received her Ph.D. from Washington State University in Civil Engineering (Major in Atmospheric Science) and continued her research at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Her central research themes are the carbon, water, and energy budgets. Her research approach involves the use of field measurements (mostly eddy covariance and other micrometeorological methods) at simple and homogeneous sites as well as complex and heterogeneous lands from plot to landscape scales. Her research has been published in Global Change Biology, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, etc., and she has served as the research grant application reviewer for the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), guest editor of the journal of Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, and reviewers for journals including Global Change Biology, Environmental Pollution, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, and Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.